DSTWO GBA emulator Reviews and Use Guide

The DSTWO GBA card comes out as we expected,after a test of this plug-in.We are very satisfied with the result.According to the SD team that the GBA plug-in is being improved,specially to the compatibility.

Now let's go to the interface,see the picture as below,

GBA emulator interface is pretty nice,and it support two languages currently(Chinese andEnglish).Lately,SD team may add more languages .You can change the language by using the button"others".More,this GBA emulator supports real time save state and in the button"Tools",there is an

option for game screenshot by using customized button.

For other buttons,

"NEW",which means choosing new game. "RESART",means back to the selected game. "RETURN",refer to back to the game that you are playing.
In the button"Video/Audio",player can set up the game frame,it is default as level 2.But player canchange the frame to level 1, which may speed up the game operation.

In the button"Other",there is an option"CPU frequence",according to SD team explanation,we take it as "CPU Overclock",this is effectively increase the speed when the game runnig in GBA emulator.But it does not work on all the games.For example,"Golden Sun DS" is not as good as other games during testing.There are four level,0 to 4 .Here,the test GBA emulator plugin ,"0″ means the highest level,4 refers to the lowest level.However,the official released verison,"4″ means the highest level,"0″ refers to the lowest level.

There is one thing that we need to pay attention that any change in the above mentioned function"Tools" or "Others" does no save automatically.Player need to make setting every time when change games.

How to play GBA game on DSTWO?
How to play more DS games via DSTWO is a very hot question,or we can say that it is a common question to a flashcard.And it is amazing for some people who has developed this software and shared with DSTWO user.As of today, it has two versions,check the updates as below,

DSTWO GBA emulator plug-in v1.21 (2010-06-04)

* Added support popular *.cht file cheat code.

* Optimized Frame skip

* Pokemon supports real-time clock

* Fixed crash problem for some DSTWO.

* Exit the menu key change from Y to B.

* Fine tuning the UI.

Installation: Download the package, copy all folder to the root directory of MicroSD card and replace old.
VIDEO/AUDIO : video and audio settiing DSTWO GBA GUI

SAVE: Realtime save and read. 10 save slots

CHEATS: Cheat Code

Tool: Game tools

OTHER: Other setting.

EXIT: Exit to DSTWO desktop


RETURAN: Return to the game

RESTART: Reset the GBA emulator

Tip: To save power, the down screen will auto turn off. Press "X" to active this menu.

When a game is running slow you can try the following settings

1, increase the CPU frequency:

In the game press "X" button active the down screen menu. In the "Other" menu, adjust the "CPU frequency" , the default is 2 up to 4. For some delay games, you can try to increase the CPU frequency to solve, but need more battery power.

2, Change the frame skip:

In the game press "X" button active the down screen menu. In the "Video/Audio" menu, you can see, "Frame skip", DSTWO GBA emulator with 9 skipping optional, default 2 is the best setting, part of the game (such as fighting games) can try to increase the frame skip resolve. Normal game can also increase the number of frames to speed up the pace of the game

"Game fast-forward" and "The Sands of Time" features

"Fast-forward the game" in the " Video/Audio" setting, it is a very useful feature, 10 speed after opening the game, in the "fast-forward the game" when the game automatically shut down the sound.

"The Sands of Time" (Hotkey L + Y) feature inspired the naming of "Prince of Persia The Sands of time", while holding down the "L" + "Y" game started back, backward to 10 seconds before, the time of backward can be adjusted. Fail in the game, Lost in the game, don't worry, use "The Sands of Time" function can return to the state before you fail.

How to use cheat code in DSTWO GBA emulator

Ready to go:

Copy *.cht cheat code file into folder "\NDSGBA\gamecht"


1. Press X button in the game, select "Cheats" 2. Select "LOAD CHEAT FILE"
3. Select the right cht file to open. 4.After cht file loading, cheat code can be modified by PAD key.
Basis information

System Edition:V1.21

System Capacity:2.82MB



First generation GBA plugin

1. Download and Unzip the software package.

2. Copy into MicroSD root directory.

soucer from: http://blog.cool2deal.com/

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